Thursday, September 3, 2015

On A Proposed Future - THE THESIS

War should be played online!

War should be played online!

War can be played online!

War can be played online!


What things would be necessary to happen for WAR to REALLY be played on an Open World Multiplayer Spectrum?


The Legalization of Gambling

Here me out. Okay you know how, in war, back in the day, when an invading army conquered an area, it was their land? Well, then, a similar thing happens in gambling, where you can give items of value up and in some cases money , for the CHANCE to get other people’s resources.

Now currently gambling is illegal.

Now imagine if two things:

1.       Gambling was not illegal. (And subsequently not viewed as a morally long thing)

2.       And 2) rather than completely based off of chance, gambling was a game, in which by learning the rules, the players could perform more effectively in it?

Now, here me out, what if, and I know this might sound crazy, that thing, was war.

Okay, here me out some more. The thing is , we currently mostly bet on stuff like money, and occasionally items like jewelry or fancy clothing for a nominal value. Now imagine, what if, those things could be greater? Like much greater! Suppose you could give up a house, or two houses.

Its okay, because in this future world I am suggesting, maybe everybody is living in a state of absolute luxury, and perhaps everybody has three or four houses they can spare.

Now, imagine this, that was exactly what big ‘companies’ (which will basically be the same thing as government at this point) were ACTUALLY in ownership of a LARGE quantity of houses, which they were leasing of to their EMPLOYEES (or rather, one person in a house of many, who decided he was going to be working, who got great intense pleasure from this position, who was raised to be it, who felt superior, and enjoyed a rank of arbitrary superior status, but with no real physical debilitations on the rest of his family – a working person could marry other people, working – and nonworking. A nonworking person could marry working, AND non working people.

There would be classes in, not in the way we teach today, but based on the way you wanted you and your family to live your lives.

Only one person in your family would go to “prince” training school. This would be where they got to learn all the things that made them the supporters of the household. (And they didn’t necessarily have to be the oldest, and they didn’t necessarily have to be a boy).

In turn, this boy would get to enjoy the pleasure of feeling way smart, and really making a positive influence over the world.

The rest of the family, or “supporters” , could take pleasurable classes, in the realms like psychology, so that they could influence people (including their “prince” of the family). Medical health, nutritional health. The list goes on and on, for what they could do!


But one important thing would remain… these classes, they would be for what was in the best interest.

The best interest of the people, from the bottom up.

Starting with the individual, for an individual needs to be happy. Then all the remaining resources would be put into the family. And then the tiny fraction that was left from that would be give to the “companies” or , the government of this proposed system.

Each government would control its own sector. And if they wanted, the leaders of each government could win other lands, and what would happen is now the new sectors would merely belong to new people.


Nobody would get hurt!

Not physically!

Not mentally!

Not in any way!


And as for food, as for the conundrum for world hunger, whether we can have machines that raise our cows to be slaughtered for us, we go completely veggie (which I am not a fan of), we clone the cows, or we implement 3d printing technology to “artificially” create food.. I’ll leave that up to the geniuses, scientists, and billionaires of the future!

And this brings me back to the whole war thing:

We don’t have war.

No not really.

Think to yourself, what has todays war come to?


A lot of people will tell you its just senseless killing.

But that’s no entirely true.

At least  – it used to not be.

Picture the image of a indian rading farm. Perhaps they did it because they were raised that way, maybe their fathers abused them, and they raised a whole generation of children to be violent. Maybe it was the group mentality that us humans are so fixated into now, that it caused them to be violent upon other rival clans, or areas. But think of it this way, people like getting stuff. I love stuff! You love stuff! We all love stuff! It doesn’t even matter if its useful to us! Not in the least! It gives us a little tingle merely, to even get stuff!

You see if there is one thing that I learned from when my mother cut off the money she was giving me to attend college – and I had to quit for the time being – it is that nobody likes their resources taken away from them.

The rival clans, they were being taken advantage of. Their resources were being taken. That is undeniable true. But the real tragedy was that people were being hurt. Physically.

Now, with my proposed theory of, what if we lived in a land, where all future wars was fought by virtual reality, and they LAND (that stuff) – that the winners were supposed to get – were merely sectors where people were already living. Sectors upon a great map. Almost like a gaming map.

The people would be happy.

Their lives would be unchanged.

And the owners of those “business” would be happy. They would get that soft little “tingle” trickle up their spine, making them shiver a little.

This is how politicians think, really.

Really, this is how everyone thinks.


And so the world would be free of war, (or conventional “war” at least)

The world would be free of hunger

The world would be free of unemployment

The world would be free of suffering

And guess what? Everybody is happy?


And so yeah

I just solved your problems of:

World hunger
World Peace
Global Unemployment (EVERYTHING!)


Your welcome, Government!
Thank You
By Saif Chowdhury
Also as a sidenote, in this proposed future world:
Getting a job will be incredibly easy, thanks to the reliability of the net!
Want a job? Get on the net, and do it!
Don’t want a job? That’s okay to! We respect you both ways. You can, and will find people just like you.
This is the age of the internet, where anything is possible!
Want more information on this proposed future world? If so, then I will be posting more blogposts very soon.
This was originally just an idea born out of frustration. I'm sorry things got a little messy, and I tried my best to stick to the formulaic blogposts style!
Also not included, were my other two points for what we needed to make world, truly, into a war-free zone! -
Give companies the right to own housing where their employees, and their families, can live.
I kind of based this off of the fact that everybody loves fiction. So I did my best to create ideas for a new world! (One that blurred the lines between fantasy and reality) But one, that I really think could bring the world into a new and positive direction. (Normally in a story , you have the good, and then you have the bad thing that tries to ruin it. As a result , we can never truly , wholey , safely, and fully explore , the realms of possibilities of a totally , positive world .. and I think that.. that definitely is a reality we have the possibility to be entering into!
I honestly believe, that with the rise of videogames, the emergence of virtual reality technology, and a number of other technologies creeping up, that , eventually , some way or another , that we WILL be entering into this future.. very soon!
The question is.. are we ready for it? And is it going to be seen in our lifetime? A world.. soley.. wholly.. without war?
If you will support this blog series, and continue to show it to your friends (do it, just to be funny), then I will be more than happy to make more. (I have lots of ideas! - This was only the tip of the iceberg! Now I just need to know if their is an audience who wants to hear it!)